Just a short message to show I'm still there. On my beading trays I have four unfinished projects, and that's two too many. My sister saw my On the Road bracelet and loved it so much, so I am making a different version of it for her. Fortunately I had two Lucky Feet, so the road can be taken. And I was clever enough to make a new mold of the fimo moonface before I used it on the first Road bracelet so that was no problem either. But will I have it finished in time to give to her next Sunday?
Hollow beads, started a new one, but at about two thirds of the way I am not happy with the result. Great frustration on my part, I have a clear vision of what I would really want to make but it refuses to come out. So that's going to be ripping up hours of work, to start the frustration dance all over again. And then there's the hamsa pendant I started to work on. Lovely blue glass cab in the middle, the colours are OK, needs to be finished. AND two Dragon Eyes that need to be put on leather. I want to make pins of them but need to get the findings. All that and the Bollywood thing (but that can wait for a bit, the deadline is May).
So..back to the Road for now.